Click here to view the Draft Santa Rosa General Plan 2050, now available for Public Review!

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Draft Santa Rosa General Plan 2050

The draft Santa Rosa General Plan 2050 was released in Spring 2023. The draft Plan was developed over the past three years in close collaboration with the community and with oversight and direction from the Planning Commission and City Council. The City hosted a series of events and activities to collect input on the Plan in Summer and Fall 2023. Stay tuned for updates on the next steps. 


Process and Timeline

The Santa Rosa Forward process provides an important opportunity for the community to discuss the biggest challenges and opportunities facing Santa Rosa today and in the coming years and decades. The process involves multiple phases over several years, and each phase includes multiple opportunities for community discussions. Click on the graphic below to view documents and events from each phase of the project. The detailed project schedule can be found here


Events, meetings, activities and surveys completed:



Community participants:



Community groups, organizations and neighborhoods engaged:



Individual community member comments and ideas:


2050 Vision Statement

In Summer 2021, the Santa Rosa community developed the following Vision Statement during an interactive Visioning Process. This statement is an aspirational expression that frames community needs and desires and serves as a foundation for the Santa Rosa Forward process. 


Vision Statement Summary

"Santa Rosa is a diverse, equitable, and sustainable community built on civic engagement that empowers everyone to provide and support equal and affordable opportunities to obtain good housing, education and jobs; to enjoy vibrant cultural events and arts; and to live healthy lives in resilient neighborhoods that adapt to social and environmental change."


Full Vision Statement


Social and environmental justice are achieved for everyone—all abilities, ages, ethnicities, gender identities, immigration status, income levels, language speakers, races, religions, sexual orientations and identities, EVERYONE.


Natural resources are restored, protected, and expanded to provide accessible green space for everyone in all neighborhoods, mitigate drought, and minimize greenhouse gas emissions.


Everyone is welcome and actively encouraged to join in neighborhood and citywide decision making, and barriers to participation are identified and eliminated.


All Neighborhoods have low pollution level and good air quality, are vibrant, connected, full-service communities, with the resources to be civically organized, and anchored by inclusive and accessible public outdoor spaces and buildings offering safe and welcoming places for everyone. Every person has the opportunity to attain their full health potential.


All facets of the community, including housing, infrastructure, and social services are sustainable and resilient to hazards and economic changes.


The health and safety of everyone is supported by neighborhood, City, and county-wide efforts to prepare for natural and human-caused hazards, and roadways are optimized to support efficient evacuations.


A diverse mix of high quality, safe, thoughtfully designed, efficiently planned, and well-served housing at all affordability levels is available throughout the community to accommodate everyone, including formerly homeless, immigrants, local workers, multigenerational households, seniors, students, and formerly incarcerated people.


Everyone has what they need to enjoy long, fulfilling, healthy lives, including affordable access to meet their daily needs—including healthy food, recreation, education, childcare, employment opportunities, reliable internet, and physical and mental health services.


Top employers gravitate; Black-, Latino/Latina-, and other minority-owned businesses are in all corners of the community; equitable investments are made in all neighborhoods; local shops, food and beverage establishments and food trucks, and entertainment spaces support a vibrant city; and meaningful work in a thriving economy is available for people of all ages and backgrounds.


High-quality, reliable, and safe transit service, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and other forms of mobility connect all ages across the city and region at all times and support healthy lifestyles, clean air, equity, and resilience.


Streets are safe; public safety services are provided by caring and thoughtful community members who are representative of and familiar with the neighborhoods, groups, and individuals they serve; and everyone, including immigrants and people of color, can safely access these services.


Life-long education, enrichment, and supportive services and resources engage and empower young people, strengthen families (of any family structure), connect and activate seniors, and foster the success and well-being of everyone.


Art, cultural resources and activities, historic assets, and live music thrive in every neighborhood, are accessible to everyone, and work to celebrate our diverse community, bring people from all areas of the city together, and support the local economy.