Preferred Alternative



The Final Preferred Alternative Diagram is the basis of the General Plan, identifying 21 Areas of Change, places where the City will focus efforts on addressing housing, services, connectivity, and/or infrastructure needs to make these complete neighborhoods, as well as major improvements to the transportation network.

Draft Preferred Alternative Summary

The draft Preferred Alternative Summary presents the draft "Preferred Alternative" that will guide Santa Rosa’s future growth, investment, and change over the next 20+ years. The Preferred Alternative is the culmination of a nearly two-year analysis and community engagement process that included over 90 community meetings, workshops, and events. Building on the Existing Conditions Report, Briefing Book, 2050 Vision Statement, Alternatives Workbook, and the extensive community comments and ideas received to-date, the draft Preferred Alternative Diagram identifies major new growth areas (housing and jobs), transportation improvements, and other key features, supported by a series of new goals for Santa Rosa organized by topic:

  • Housing and Economic Development 
  • Efficient and Sustainable Development 
  • Resilience and Safety 
  • Equity and Community Health

The Preferred Alternative Summary can be viewed and downloaded through the following links:

 In October 2022, the Project Team held a series of pop-up events and open houses and conducted a web-based survey to get input on the draft Preferred Alternative. A full summary of community feedback and comments is available here.