Community Discussions: Preferred Alternative

Detailed Community Feedback

Between September and October 2022, the Project Team, with the help of the Community Advisory Committee and other partners, engaged a wide range of community members and stakeholders in an important discussion about refining a Preferred Alternative for Santa Rosa. The following is a detailed summary of community comments and feedback. This includes a compendium of all comments received during the pop-up events, two Open Houses, online survey, and submitted comment letters/online comments.

Preferred Alternative Meetings, Open Houses, and Survey

Preferred Alternative Summary

The Preferred Alternative Summary presents the draft "Preferred Alternative" that will guide Santa Rosa’s future growth, investment, and change over the next 20+ years. The Preferred Alternative is the culmination of a nearly two-year analysis and community engagement process that included over 90 community meetings, workshops, and events. Building on the Existing Conditions Report, Briefing Book, 2050 Vision Statement, Alternatives Workbook, and the extensive community comments and ideas received to-date, the draft Preferred Alternative Diagram identifies major new growth areas (housing and jobs), transportation improvements, and other key features, supported by a series of new goals for Santa Rosa.

Community Open Houses

In October 2022, the Project Team hosted two in-person Community Open Houses to present and gather community comments/feedback on the draft Preferred Alternative. These interactive open houses provided community members an opportunity to:

  • Learn about the Santa Rosa Forward process and the importance of the General Plan.
  • Learn about the draft Preferred Alternative, including new City goals. 
  • Provide detailed feedback and comments on the draft Preferred Alternative. 
  • Identify ways you can stay actively involved in the project. 

Below are links to the Open House presentation:

A Special Thanks

The City would like to thank everyone who participated during the Preferred Alternative process! We know your time is valuable, and your insights, perspectives, concerns, and desires were critical for refining and finalizing the Preferred Alternative that will become the basis for the updated General Plan. 

Community Advisory Committee Members

Ali Soto Lee Pierce
Ana Stevens Lisa Joslen
Andres Vigil Melanie Ahlers
Anne Barbour Michael Cook
Annette Arnold Michelle Sepulveda
Delashay Carmona Benson Omar Lopez
Erica Mikesh Patricia Thompson
Evette Minor Rutuja Bhowmik
James Pedgrift Ryan Tracey 
Jen Klose Stephanie Manieri
Jennifer Kujala Steven Spillman
Kevin Anderson  


Technical Advisory Committee Members

Ashle Crocker Raissa De la Rosa Lori UrbanekEmma Walton
Molly Maclean Tara Thompson Jennifer Burke
Danielle Garduno Gabe Osburn Andrew Allen
Magali Telles Amy Nicholson Claire Myers
Jason Carter Amy Lyle Colin Close
Kevin Buchanan Clare Hartman Caryn Lozada
Alan Alton David Guhin Jill Scott
Kim Nadeau Kate Goldfine Nick Sudano
Scott Moon Shari Meads Steve Brady
Scott Westrope John Cregan Janet Spilman
Tony Gossner Ray Navarro Brian Oh
Megan Basinger Jen Santos Melanie Parker
David Gouin Terri Bladow Ada Chan
Eric McHenry Rob Sprinkle Jeff Nathanson
Serena Lienau Yuri Koslen Ray Holley
Michael Enright Jason Nutt Joanne Parker
Jesse Oswald Libby Payan Nancy AdamsBjorn Griepenburg
Rafael Rivero Rachel Ede Ron Downing
Rick Edson Doug Williams Bryan Kalbee
Lori Kolacek Dr. Diann Kitamura Amy Jones-Kerr